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Sunday, January 9, 2056 (December 27, 2055 by the Julian calendar)
32nd Sunday after Pentecost, Tone six
Sviatki. Fast-free.
Third Day of the Feast of the Nativity.
[.:] Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen (34).
St. Theodore Graptus ("the Branded") of Palestine and Bithynia, confessor (840), brother of St. Theophanes the Confessor and Hymnographer (850).
New Hieromartyrs Tikhon, archbishop of Voronezh and with him 160 martyred priests (1919).
St. Theodore, archbishop of Constantinople (686).
St. Luke, monk, of Tryglia.
St. Maximus, bishop of Alexandria (282).
St. Maurice and the Theban Legion. (Candidus, Innocent, Exuperius and 6,600 others) (302).
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