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Thursday, October 22, 2015 (October 9, 2015 by the Julian calendar)
21st Week after Pentecost, Tone three
+ Holy Apostle James, son of Alphaeus (1st c.).
St. Andronicus and his wife St. Athanasia of Egypt (500).
New Hieromartyr Peter priest (1918).
New Hieromartyr Constantine priest (1937).
Righteous Forefather Abraham (2000 B.C.) and his nephew Righteous Lot.
Martyrs Juventius and Maximus at Antioch (4th c.).
St. Publia the Confessor of Antioch (360).
St. Peter of Galatia (9th c.).
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos "Korsun" (Cherson) and "Assuage My Sorrow".
St. Stephen the New of Serbia (1427) (Serbia).
St. Demetrius, patriarch of Alexandria (231).
Hieromartyr Dionysius (Denis, Denys) of Paris, bishop (258) (Celtic & British).
St. Stephen the Blind, king of Serbia (1468).
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Tags: Orthodox Menologion Online, Orthodox Calendar 2011, Menologion, Typikon, holiday, celebration, Church Calendar 2011, Easter 2011