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Wednesday, August 18, 2021 (August 5, 2021 by the Julian calendar)
9th Week after Pentecost, Tone seven
Dormition (Theotokos) Fast.
[.:] Forefeast of the Transfiguration of our Lord.
Martyr Eusignius of Antioch (362).
New Hieromartyr Simon (Shleev) bishop of Ufa.
New Martyrs Eudocia (Shikova) and Novices Daria (Timolina), Dar'ia (Siushinskaya), and Maria of Diveyevo (1919).
Hieromartyrs Fabian (250) and Antherus (Antheros) (257), popes of Rome.
Martyr Pontius at Cimella in France (257).
Martyrs Cantidius, Cantidian and Sibelius (Sobel), of Egypt.
Righteous Nonna (374), mother of St. Gregory the Theologian.
St. Oswald, king and martyr (642) (Celtic & British).
St. John (Jacob) of Neamp, the Chozebite (1960) (Romania).
New Martyr Chrestos of Preveza (1668).
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Tags: Orthodox Menologion Online, Orthodox Calendar 2011, Menologion, Typikon, holiday, celebration, Church Calendar 2011, Easter 2011