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Thursday, October 15, 2015 (October 2, 2015 by the Julian calendar)
20th Week after Pentecost, Tone two
[.:] Hieromartyr Cyprian and Virgin-martyr Justina Martyr Theoctist of Nicomedia (304).
Blessed Andrew, fool-for-Christ at Constantinople (911).
St. Anna of Kashin (1338).
St. Cassian, monk, of Uglich (1504).
Martyrs David and Constantine, princes of Argveti, Georgia (740) (Georgia).
Blessed Cyprian of Suzdal, fool-for-Christ (1622).
New Martyr George of Philadelphia in Asia Minor (Mt. Athos) (1794) (Greek).
St. Damaris of Athens (1st c.) (Greek).
Great-martyr Theodore (Gavra) of Atran in Chaldia of Pontus (1180) (Greek).
St. Leger, bishop of Autun (677).
St. Theodore Ushakov, admiral of the Russian Navy (1817).
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